I release my WPF Panorama & Metro source code

    At this moment I diving into several WP7 projects and I have no time to improve the source code of all I have done, what you have in the source code is:
  • PanoramaItem
  • Panorama
  • ApplicationBar
  • TiltEffect
  • SquareButton
  • SimpleItemsControl
  • A Resources Dictionary with plenty of the controls stylished

You can use it in your own applications and I will be pleased if you comment that you use my controls library. Anyway any improvement will be welcome.

I hope you enjoy and I will be pleased if you tell me what you think. From the end of the world (ren .doc to .7z):  WP8Controls

22 thoughts on “I release my WPF Panorama & Metro source code

    1. Thank you for using it, I have not tested that option in Events neither MVVM, I do not remember when I create the translation if I change the CurrentItem. If I have time I will take a look

  1. Hi,

    Couple of issues.
    If you bind the Panorama Items to a list and create itemtemplate for each item with a Panorama item it doesn’t work and crash.

    Secondly If you change the panorama items at runtime it no longer works.

  2. Great work Juan, I tried to use the control with dynamic sizing and bound the ItemWidth and ItemHeight to the Parents ActualWidth/Height but I dont get it to work(Always blank). Here is a simple modification of the main xaml file which demonstrates the problem.
    Any idea why?
    Yhx, Joe



  3. Hello… Maybe it’s a dump question, but i am very curios about that.
    How did you create all the icons?

    1. Thank you, I do not know if Windows 7 will be capable to use the new Windows Store, this way can be useful to approach metro in Windows 7 apps, dont you think so?

      1. Very useful indeed, but now I’m trying to figure out if there is a way to navigate between PanoramaItems.. Like if I press a button, it goes to the next item.. Any ideas on how to achieve this?

    1. At this moment I am developing a wp7 game and I have no time, but I think the implementation should be relatively easy because you bind title, items text into items and else.

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